Copyright Permission Granted for Your Book to be Read on The Segilola Salami Show Podcast

This page is for the authors and copyright holders who would like their book(s) read and promoted on The Segilola Salami Show podcast. For this to be done, you need to give written permission first.

The permission granted covers the reading and talking about your book on The Segilola Salami Show, writing about your book on and promoting your book reading across Segilola Salami’s social media accounts and mailing list.

Please note that once published, Segilola Salami (and everyone who works with her) cannot prevent anyone who has access to the internet from copying your content and as such, she cannot be held responsible for any copyright infringement. Thus, you agree to fully indemnify Segilola Salami (and everyone who works with her or is associated with her) from any copyright infringement or monetary losses related directly or indirectly to the publication of content about your book.

Before completing the form below, make sure you have discussed your interests with Segilola Salami first and she has asked you to do so. Please click here to contact Segilola Salami if you have not already done so.

Copyright Permission Granted for Your Book to be Read on The Segilola Salami Show Podcast

At the moment, Segilola is only accepting Children’s Books that are suitable for early readers, Key Stage 1 level that her 6-year-old daughter can read on the show.

Book Name (*)

Author Name (*)

Link to author website (*)

Genre (*)

Publisher (*)

Paperback ISBN (*)

Synopsis (*)

Amazon link(*)

Name of copyright holder(*)

Who are you?(*)
the copyright holderrep of the copyright holder

your Name(*)

If you are the copyright holder, do you give permission for your book to be read on The Segilola Salami Show podcast, details of your book posted on Segilola Salami's blog and promoted across social media? (*)

If you are not the copyright holder, do you have written permission from the copyright holder for their book to be read on The Segilola Salami Show podcast, with details of the book posted on Segilola Salami's blog and promoted across social media? (*)

If permission is not granted, please do not send in your book

Do you agree to fully indemnify Segilola Salami and everyone that works with her, in any capacity, over the use of your book as per this agreement? (*)

If you do not agree to indemnify Segilola Salami, please do not send in your book

Your Email (*)

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