January 12, 2016

Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Cookie Notice

This website SegilolaSalami.co.uk is an informational website. It provides information about Segilola Salami’s work as an author, blogger, freelance writer and podcaster. On this page, you will find more information about the terms of use of the website as well as Segilola Salami’s privacy policy. Do note that if you follow any of the external links provided on this website, you do so at your own risk. Unless otherwise stated, Segilola Salami is not responsible for the content or privacy policy of those external links. The links have been provided for your convenience.



Visitors to this website do so to:

1) listen to or find out more Segilola Salami’s podcast The Segilola Salami Show.

2) read Segilola Salami’s lifestyle and parenting blog.

3) find out more info about Segilola Salami’s published African/Nigerian books.

4) enter giveaways hosted on Segilola Salami’s blog

5) contact Segilola Salami via the online contact form.

5) People who listen to Segilola Salami’s podcast or read her blog posts regularly may choose to subscribe to her mailing list.

6) People who read Segilola Salami’s blog may choose to register as a user of the website so that they can leave comments on blog posts.

7) People who need to contact Segilola Salami may choose to do so via the contact form on this website.



In order to do any of the above:

  1. You must be at least eighteen (18) years old and able to enter into contracts;
  2. complete the registration process, where applicable;
  3. agree to these Terms; and
  4. provide true, complete, and up to date contact information.

By using this website, you represent and warrant that you meet all the requirements listed above and that you won’t use this website in a way that violates any laws or regulations. Segilola Salami may refuse service, close accounts of any users, and change eligibility requirements at any time and without notice.


Terms of use

These terms of use begin as soon as you visit this website, stay on and carry out any action eg when you sign up as a subscriber of Segilola Salami’s mailing list, register as a user of this website and/or when you use the contact form on this website. The term continues for as long as you continue to use the ‘service’. You may unsubscribe from Segilola Salami’s mailing list at any time.


Account and password

Should you choose to register as a user of this website, to leave comments on Segilola Salami’s blog posts, you’re responsible for keeping your account name and password confidential. You’re also responsible for any account that you have access to, whether or not you authorised the use. You’ll immediately notify Segilola Salami of any unauthorised use of your accounts. Segilola Salami is not responsible for any losses due to stolen or hacked passwords. Segilola Salami does not have access to your current password, and for security reasons, Segilola Salami may only reset your password.


Blog content

Segilola Salami may from time to time be asked to publish content written by someone else. Segilola Salami may or may not be offered monetary or other gifts to publish such content eg to write a review of the product.

Segilola Salami may be invited to events free of charge in exchange for writing about her experience at the event.

In other to format Amazon book listings in blog posts, Segilola Salami may use Amazon Affiliate links. Segilola Salami may get paid a very small percentage of the cost of the book (or any other item) should you make a purchase using her affiliate link(s).


Anyone may contact Segilola Salami to request a guest post to be published on this website. Authors who come on The Segilola Salami Show may provide content to be published on this website. Should Segilola Salami accept to publish such content on this website, the person who provides such content agrees that they are the copyright owner or have the permission of the copyright holder to do so. They also agree to transfer full copyright to Segilola Salami only for the content that they wish Segilola Salami to publish on this website and also agree that Segilola Salami is at liberty to amend such content or use it however way she chooses but mainly for the purpose of publishing the content on this website and to promote it.

If you are not the copyright holder of any content or do not have the permission of the copyright holder for Segilola Salami to publish their content on this website, please do not contact or ask Segilola Salami to publish such content for you.

If you do not accept to transfer full copyright to Segilola Salami to publish the content you provide on this website, please do not provide any content to Segilola Salami.

Segilola Salami guarantees that she would only use the content you provide for the purposes mutually agreed and to enable her to promote the content to those in her network or mailing list. Segilola Salami only accepts content that she feels would be beneficial to those who come on her website.

These terms are essential as it ensures that Segilola Salami would not be accused of breaching any copyrights in future. For instance, if you sell your work to someone else in future. This also serves as a reminder to anyone who is not the copyright holder to ensure that they get the copyright holder’s permission before asking Segilola Salami to publish any content on this website.

Segilola Salami has experienced an incident where someone provided an educational guest post for her blog but weeks later, the person contacted Segilola Salami demanding that she include links into the post. Segilola did not feel that those links added any value to the post and declined and the person requested that their content is deleted, thus, wasting Segilola’s time.

These terms are to ensure that no one wastes Segilola Salami’s time or blackmails her after she has published their content.

Segilola Salami is willing and happy to help anyone she feels she is able to in promoting their products or services but she asks that you respect her time in return.

The relevant part of this website where such content may be published is on Segilola Salami’s blog. The other parts of this website are exclusively for Segilola Salami’s works.

Segilola Salami guarantees that she would also acknowledge who the original copyright holder of any post that is published on her blog is and will never plagiarise or give the impression that any content she has been provided to publish was written by her.

Segilola Salami kindly requests that you notify her immediately if the disclaimer she uses in your guest post is not sufficient or does not fully identify you as the original copyright holder.

Should Segilola Salami agree to publish content that you provide to her, you agree to indemnify her fully of any wrongdoing should a case ever ensue as a result of the content that you provide to her to publish on this website and to promote it. You also acknowledge that the internet is inherently insecure, so Segilola Salami cannot take responsibility for anyone copying any part of the content that has been published on this website. You are welcome to include a clause at the end of the content that you provide stating if you require anyone to seek permission from you before re-using any part of the content that was published.

Segilola Salami reiterates that she cannot accept and refuses to accept responsibility for anyone copying any content that is published on her website.

If you feel some other information is essential to these terms or if you are a legal professional and know of a better way to word this section, you are welcome to drop Segilola Salami an email via the contact page of this website.

Here’s the link to one article on copyright concerns for podcasters and bloggers.

An article published on Your Online Genius talked about copyright and publicity rights and recommended that “To give yourself maximum flexibility in the future, you should have your guests agree to a release that transfers all copyright protection to you and gives you the right to use the content however you want in the future.

Segilola Salami intends to stand on the right side of the law and that’s the reason for these terms and conditions.


General use

You promise to not leave spam comments and/or links. You promise to not leave or write hateful messages or posts.

You promise you will comply with all applicable laws and regulations. You’re responsible for determining whether our Services are suitable for you to use in light of any regulations.

You promise to not use this website for any unlawful, prohibited or discriminatory activities.

Segilola Salami is all about positivity and whilst she acknowledges that we are all entitled to different views and opinions, she believes that we don’t need to be abusive or aggressive when sharing our opinions.

Segilola Salami retains the right to delete any comments that she feels is not appropriate.


Limitation of liability

Use of SegilolaSalami.co.uk is free of charge. You assume full responsibility that may occur from your use of this website and/or service.

Segilola Salami won’t be liable for any indirect, punitive, special, or consequential damages under any circumstances, even if they’re based on negligence or we’ve been advised of the possibility of those damages. Our total liability for all claims made about the Service in any month will be no more than what you paid us for the Service the month before which is currently Zero pounds.


Zero Warranties

Content provided on this website is provided ‘as is’. Segilola Salami does not provide warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Segilola Salami cannot guarantee that the content of this website will meet your specific needs.



You agree to indemnify and hold us and our Team harmless from any losses, including attorney fees that result from any claims you make that aren’t allowed under these Terms due to a “Limitation of Liability” or other provision. (Indemnity is an agreement to compensate someone for a loss.) You also agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any losses, including attorney fees, that result from third-party claims that you or someone using your password did something that, if true, would violate any of these Terms.


Attorney fees

If we file an action against you claiming you breached these Terms and we prevail, we’re entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees and any damages or other relief we may be awarded.


Subpoena fees

If we have to provide information in response to a subpoena related to your account, then we may charge you for our costs. These fees may include attorney and employee time spent retrieving the records, preparing documents, and participating in a deposition.



Segilola Salami is not responsible for the behaviour of any advertisers, linked websites, or other users.

The content of this page may continue to be applicable even if you terminate your use of this website.

Segilola Salami cannot change these terms for anyone.


Notice of security breach

In the event of a security breach that may affect you, we’ll notify you of the breach and provide a description of what happened and if we think you need to take any action.


Privacy Policy and Cookie Notice

Segilola Salami (including anyone who administers this website) is committed to safeguarding your privacy whilst on SegilolaSalami.co.uk. This page details how any personal information you provide will be treated.

Your personal information will only be used for defined purposes and to enhance your experience whilst on this website.

The information you provide will not be sold to another person or firm. Your details will only be passed on to a third party, if appropriate, with your consent or if required by law.

Defined purposes include:

  • To contact you e.g. when you fill out the contact me form or send a direct email to Segilola Salami
  • To gather further information from you, if needed, when you leave a comment on this website
  • To process your order if you contact Segilola Salami to make a direct purchase eg to buy a copy of one or more of Segilola Salami’s books
  • To send you regular emails with a summary of the latest posts on Segilola Salami’s blog if you sign up to the mailing list


The following information may be collected, stored or use:

  • Information you provide when registering with this website and/or subscribing to Segilola Salami’s mailing list (including your email address)
  • Information you provide in relation to any direct purchases e.g. to purchase a signed copy of my book directly from me
  • Information about your computer, visits to and use of this website, including geographical location, browser type, length of visit, website navigation paths
  • Information you publish on our website e.g. blog comment
  • Information contained in or relating to any communication that you send to me
  • Any other personal information you may choose to send to me


Cookies on the website are used for analytical purposes only. It is used to collect data on the number of visitors to website, amount of time spent on website etc etc. No personally identifiable data is collected


Segilola Salami (and anyone who may administer this website on her behalf) may send statistical data about the visitors to this website to third parties. No individual personal information would be included in such data. Statistical data we may send include the number of visitors to website on a particular day or the average length of time each person spent on website.

If you are purchasing a signed copy of one of Segilola Salami’s books directly from her, payment would be handled via PayPal unless agreed otherwise. You can view PayPal’s privacy policy as well their statement on protecting your financial transaction on their website www.paypal.com. Your personal information would also need to be passed on to a courier and/or mail handling company for the purpose of delivering your order.

Any information that you publish on this website may be available to the general public to see worldwide via the internet. Segilola Salami cannot prevent the use or misuse of such information by others.

By continuing to use this website, you agree to the above. You also acknowledge that transmission of information over the internet is inherently insecure and Segilola Salami cannot guarantee the security of any data sent over the internet.

You are responsible for keeping any password you use to access this website confidential.

Congratulations! You’ve reached the end. Thanks for taking the time to learn about Segilola Salami’s policies.

Any and all pages of this website, including this privacy policy, terms of use and cookie policy page, may be updated from time to time and without notice. It is your responsibility to regularly check this page to see if it has been updated.