The BFG by Roald Dahl

The BFG by Roald Dahl

Hello everyone!

Maymunah Azad here 😀

Like I said last week, I’ll be recommending books for young children. These books can either be read alone by older children that are able to or can be read together as a family.

I think, one of the best ways to spend some proper, quality family time is by reading together at bedtime. I have some very fond childhood memories of my mum reading to me at night and one of my favourite books then was The BFG by Roald Dahl.

If you haven’t heard of this book, (although I’m sure most of you guys will!) it’s a firm favourite with adults and children alike. It follows the story of a young girl called Sophie, an orphan, who is kidnapped by the BFG (short for Big Friendly Giant, as she finds out later) and taken to a barren, dry land called Giant’s Country. The only other inhabitants there are nine man-eating giants who are much bigger than the BFG. Consequently, Sophie is forced to live in fear as the BFG refuses to take her back home; she has seen a giant and he doesn’t want her to tell anyone in case he is locked up.

So on first glances, it sounds a little bit dark. But, the book is filled with very funny parts such as the BFG’s ‘frobscottle’, a fizzy drink with bubbles that go downwards rather than upwards, leading to quite amusing ‘whizzpopping’ scenarios. Also, there is the imaginative ‘dreamland’ where the BFG catches all sorts of weird and wonderful dreams for children.

The book was actually so popular that in the ’90s, an animated movie was released on the book. I’ve seen it, and while there’s some concept there, I didn’t really like it. It could have been the retro graphics, the annoyingly catchy music or the last scene. It was too different from the book and a lot darker. But my younger sister enjoyed it, so it might be worthwhile watching it after reading the book.

However, Disney and Steven Spielberg are creating a live-action film based on the book set to be released later on this year (2016). All I can say is that the trailers show it to be very promising. Another film on my ‘To Watch’ list.

Who would I recommend it for? Any person of any age. Although there are some dark concepts, young children would not necessarily understand them. That said, it is guaranteed to raise laughs all the way round. The book is a little bit lengthy but highly enjoyable.

Overall, The BFG by Roald Dahl is a very enjoyable book. Like most books of Roald Dahl, this one makes a brilliant bedtime story. Hope you enjoy it!

The BFG by Roald Dahl

About the author

Maymunah Azad is a 15 year old author living in Derbyshire. She enjoys reading, writing and being a general geek!

You can find more about her at


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