Calling all book lovers! Receive a FREE eBook in exchange for your honest opinion

Corsair and the Sky Pirates by Mark Piggott book coverAttention all book lovers and adventure seekers! Mark Piggott’s “Corsair and the Sky Pirates” is an epic journey into a sky-high world of action, suspense, and daring exploits. We are calling all book lovers to receive FREE copies of this book in exchange for your honest review to anyone who wants to join us on this exciting and exhilarating journey.

Whether you are a fan of action, science fiction, or historical fiction, this book has something for everyone. Join us now and set sail for the adventure of a lifetime!

Please enter your details below to register your interest in receiving a FREE copy of Corsair and the Sky Pirates in exchange for your honest opinion.

Our ideal book reviewer is someone who is available to write their honest review at most two weeks after receiving the eBook and would consider publishing their review on at least and any other platforms they use to publish their book reviews.

Mark Piggott is someone that I have worked with a couple of times in the past and I am working with him now to try to increase the number of reviews his award-winning book has online. As of the 19th of April 2023, Corsair and the Sky Pirates has two reviews published on

Mark needs your support NOW more than ever.

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